Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Being Man's Eucharist

    One of my favourite things about my Catholic faith is the idea that the mass is a wedding feast – the supper of the Lamb. What amazes me every single time I go to mass is that Jesus doesn’t simply invite us to sit at the table with Him, He invites us to the bridal chamber! In receiving the Eucharist He offers Himself totally to us and invites us to make ourselves vulnerable in offering ourselves totally to Him in what we can see as a spousal union: at the moment we consume His body, blood, soul and divinity in the Blessed Sacrament, each and every one of us is a bride joining with our Bridegroom. 

    At present I can only imagine what it’s like to walk down the aisle on my wedding day, but I LOVE the thought that as I walk down the aisle to receive communion, I’m approaching the One whom my soul desires above all else; the One who loves me with a jealous and all-consuming love; the One who sees me through and through and accepts every part of me; the One who never tires of telling me of the ravishing beauty He sees in me.

    We’re called, first and foremost, to devote ourselves completely to Jesus as His bride. But it’s also that mutual gift of self that we’re called to reflect in the vocation of marriage. The man and woman both make themselves vulnerable to the other, trusting that their vulnerability will be nurtured and protected, just as Jesus does when He offers Himself to us in the most vulnerable form of bread and wine, and just as we do for Him when we approach the Eucharist with eyes of faith in a miracle which we cannot see. 

    I once read a theory that, just as all women are called to spiritual motherhood, all men are called to spiritual priesthood. If priests are entrusted with the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist, what, then, is the equivalent for lay men – ‘spiritual priests’? The author’s answer was one which blew me away. Women! In the words of the great St John Paul II – ‘it is the duty of every man to protect the dignity of every woman’. So, in a very special way, we are like their Eucharist: the body, blood and life source which they are entrusted to protect.

“As keepers of the Eucharist and imitators of Christ, men have the special privilege of regarding women with the same reverence and tenderness as the Eucharist. When a man holds a woman, he holds the body of Christ in his hands.”
(Katrina J. Zeno; ‘Discovering the Feminine Genius’)

    The beauty I see in this is that, just as it’s Christ’s vulnerability in the Eucharist that allows us to join with Him in total communion, it’s through our vulnerability with each other that we enable each other to fulfil our vocation as men and women! In understanding the value of the Eucharist I understand more about my own value, and in growing in reverence for the body and blood of Jesus which I’m receiving I’m able to appreciate more confidently the way in which I deserve to be treated by a man!

    So, please, don’t be afraid of being vulnerable. Run to the altar to meet your bridegroom. Give yourself over to Him completely, knowing that in that gift of bread and wine He is doing the same for you.


  1. Katrina J. Zeno's book: ‘Discovering the Feminine Genius’ is one of the best TOB books out there!

  2. Wow! I had never heard the second part before. I often think about Christ the Bridegroom as I walk down the aisle and kneel to receive Him but Id' never heard the second part. thank you for sharing your research and thoughts :)

  3. What a place of privilege He has given us! All the more reason to receive Him often, to draw strength and courage from the source of life.

  4. Interesting. I've heard that men were called to spiritual priesthood, but never really thought about what that meant.
